
We organize online and in-person events in Arizona to help the technical communities mentioned below. Click on a group’s graphic to go to its meetup page where events will be announced, and you can click on the corresponding QR Code to join the group’s Discord Server. For those who are interested: MERCH STORE

Business Intelligence Arizona

Business intelligence comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis and management of business information. It is particularly useful to make data driven decisions. Group T’s MEN/WOMEN

R User Group Phoenix

The R language was created to help college professors teach statistics. It has become much more. It is commonly used for various data analysis tasks. Group T’s MEN/WOMEN

We Protect PHX

WPP is a Leadership Council hoping to influence the issues of security, privacy, and digital trust in Arizona and beyond. In a digital world Individuals, Businesses, and Governments have become targets. To live in this technological age, we all have an expectation we can trust that our information is safe and that we can trust the information we receive from others. Accomplishing that goal is our focus. Group T’s MEN/WOMEN